"If you are going down a road and don't like what's in front of you, and look behind you and don't like what you see, get off the road. Create a new path."

"If you are going down a road and don't like what's in front of you,
and look behind you and don't like what you see, get off the road. Create a new path."
Are you longing for...?
Feeling refreshed and rested
Meaningful life and work
Improved work-life balance
Inspiration in your journey to wellness
More impactful leadership
New tools to break through old patterns
You are not alone! We have been there! Learn with us how to stay anchored through turbulent times!
Are you longing for...?
Feeling refreshed and rested
Meaningful life and work
Improved work-life balance
Inspiration in your journey to wellness
More impactful leadership
New tools to break through old patterns
You are not alone! We have been there! Learn with us how to stay anchored through turbulent times!
The ability to go deeper in our inner work builds stronger foundations for wellness and deepens our presence as leaders working towards a more just and peaceful world for future generations.
Our speakers will shed light on the resilience and ease that become available through deep healing. And with their valuable expertise, they will share with you how it transfers to boardrooms, team meetings, peace talks, and every situation in day-to-day life.
Because each individual is unique, we offer you a variety of paths to wellness.
We trust what you learn here will leave a lasting impact on your life, and we hope you will find the inspiration and courage to dive deeper and in doing so, become the change you wish to see in the world.
Your future self will thank you!
Unlock The Wisdom Explore a New Path Each Day
with Seven 30-Minute Live Webinar Recordings
Unlock The Wisdom Explore a New Path Each Day
with Seven 30-Minute Live Webinar Recordings
Your Life On Purpose

Learn how to align your life and life’s work with the purposeful gifts that you are perfectly designed to offer. Beth has an exciting offer waiting for you at the end of the call!
Your Life On Purpose

Learn how to align your life and life’s work with the purposeful gifts that you are perfectly designed to offer. Beth has an exciting offer waiting for you at the end of the call!
Why Heart-Based Leadership is Our Solution for the Future

Discover this unique science-based technology and programs for taking charge of your life and learn to access your heart’s intuition to become the best version of yourself any time and anywhere.
Why Heart-Based Leadership is Our Solution for the Future

Discover this unique science-based technology and programs for taking charge of your life and learn to access your heart’s intuition to become the best version of yourself any time and anywhere.
Linking Inner Work to Leadership Outcomes

Find out why inner work is essential to Top Quality Leadership. Learn to enable the skills needed now in the wake of this pandemic and to transform conflict. Discover how equipping others with inner power make them more effective.
Linking Inner Work to Leadership Outcomes

Find out why inner work is essential to Top Quality Leadership. Learn to enable the skills needed now in the wake of this pandemic and to transform conflict. Discover how equipping others with inner power make them more effective.
Understanding and Working with Intergenerational Trauma

Recognize the signs and impact of intergenerational trauma on our lives and explore the power and tools to break the cycle.
Understanding and Working with Intergenerational Trauma

Recognize the signs and impact of intergenerational trauma on our lives and explore the power and tools to break the cycle.
Radically Committing to Your Wellness

Learn how aligning your career with your true self can radically shift your Wellness. Discover practical steps to accelerate your journey of Self-Leadership.
Radically Committing to Your Wellness

Learn how aligning your career with your true self can radically shift your Wellness. Discover practical steps to accelerate your journey of Self-Leadership.
Araretama - Therapeutic and Educational Experience

Explore how reclaiming Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest wisdom through Araretama essences can balance and deepen our emotional intelligence, open up dormant potential, and awaken talents and new perceptions for self-development.
Araretama - Therapeutic and Educational Experience

Explore how reclaiming Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest wisdom through Araretama essences can balance and deepen our emotional intelligence, open up dormant potential, and awaken talents and new perceptions for self-development.
Forest Therapy - Reconnecting Corporates with Nature

Humanity has known for years that spending mindful time in the woods is beneficial for body, mind, and soul. Discover why focus on Well-being in the corporate space is essential and how Forest Therapy is a pillar for wellness and productivity.
Forest Therapy - Reconnecting Corporates with Nature

Humanity has known for years that spending mindful time in the woods is beneficial for body, mind, and soul. Discover why focus on Well-being in the corporate space is essential and how Forest Therapy is a pillar for wellness and productivity.
Your Investment

Valued at 350 $CND
You Pay 50 $CND
*Applicable taxes apply for Canadian residents.
*Access to the program is guaranteed for 1 year.