Cultural Transformation Coaching Programs

Gold Line

Unlocking Personal and Team Potential

Cultural Transformation Coaching Programs

Gold Line

Unlocking Personal and Team Potential

“The world is in crisis. It needs people who have the skill to combine inner power with outer action. Inner power comes from self-mastery, observing and controlling the ego, and deepening integrity through a regular practice of reflection or meditation.”

Dr. Scilla Elworthy
3 time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Founder of The Business Plan for Peace

“The world is in crisis. It needs people who have the skill to combine inner power with outer action. Inner power comes from self-mastery, observing and controlling the ego, and deepening integrity through a regular practice of reflection or meditation.”

Dr. Scilla Elworthy
3 time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and Founder of The Business Plan for Peace

We offer two coaching programs for leaders and teams

We offer two coaching programs for leaders and teams

Holistic Leadership

Gold Line

It is no secret that in today’s world, leaders have high technical skills, and yet most leaders still struggle with creating empowering and efficient environments. The skills to lead from a place of balance, clarity, and unity elude because they are skills about the being of the leaders rather than knowledge. These skills require a personal journey to allow leaders to:

Lead with vision and embrace diverse perspectives

Manage their triggers and be present for their teams

Increase personal and team resilience

Masterfully navigate communication and conflict

Accelerate team purpose and productivity

Purpose-Driven Leadership

Gold Line

This program is designed to support leaders longing to fulfill their soul’s mission while contributing meaningfully to solve social issues.

With the True Purpose® methodology, Kawtar will lead you through a journey of recognizing the highest expression of your soul’s purpose and bringing it to life. This will enable you to:

Have clarity on what you are meant to do in your life

Work and live in alignment with your purpose

Experience synchronicities and flow

Surrender the process and enjoy the journey

Contribute meaningfully to solving issues that deeply matter to you

*True Purpose is a Registered Trademark of the True Purpose Institute

Holistic Leadership

Gold Line

It is no secret that in today’s world, leaders have high technical skills, and yet most leaders still struggle with creating empowering and efficient environments. The skills to lead from a place of balance, clarity, and unity elude because they are skills about the being of the leaders rather than knowledge. These skills require a personal journey to allow leaders to:

Lead with vision and embrace diverse perspectives

Manage their triggers and be present for their teams

Increase personal and team resilience

Masterfully navigate communication and conflict

Accelerate team purpose and productivity

Purpose-Driven Leadership

Gold Line

This program is designed to support leaders longing to fulfill their soul’s mission while contributing meaningfully to solve social issues.

With the True Purpose® methodology, Kawtar will lead you through a journey of recognizing the highest expression of your soul’s purpose and bringing it to life. This will enable you to:

Have clarity on what you are meant to do in your life

Work and live in alignment with your purpose

Experience synchronicities and flow

Surrender the process and enjoy the journey

Contribute meaningfully to solving issues that deeply matter to you

*True Purpose is a Registered Trademark of the True Purpose Institute

Kawtar answering questions on a leadership panel at the She Did It! Elle a Osé! Author Extravaganza Event at Invest Ottawa

What Leaders are Saying

“Kawtar brought a lot of sunshine into my life. With every single conversation, she made my soul blossom, and this is something really unforgettable.

As we worked together, I started to build a lot of self-compassion and understand my own needs. I felt so much more confident in everything I wanted to do with my life. The coaching helped me a lot to really understand different parts of myself, and after every coaching session, I made some decisions that brought me much more joy. 

What I appreciated the most from our coaching together, I always felt Kawtar's true interest in my growth towards my goals, my dreams, and my wishes. And the support she has given me has made my life so much better, and I will always be thankful and have a big, big gratitude for this connection. Thank you so much, Kawtar!"

Dragana Seslak

Human Resources Manager
H&M Europe

“From the moment I met Kawtar, I felt drawn to her calm and empathic presence. As someone who feels deeply, yet didn't always know what I was feeling, Kawtar created a safe space for me to explore deeply and, with a lot of care, helped me grow in self-awareness. Most importantly, she helped me transform my relationship with myself! Now I have so much more clarity about the direction of my work, I listen more deeply to my intuition and my body, and I have more compassion for myself and others. I'm so grateful to have crossed paths with Kawtar!”


Antiracist Coach & Facilitator
United States of America

“I am very glad I received online True Purpose® coaching sessions from Kawtar El Alaoui. We started in June 2017 and ended in early July 2018. This one-year journey let me have a clearer, purer, stronger sense of who I am and what my life purpose is, which in the end has let me attract more opportunities to connect with people deeply both professionally and personally. The biggest transformation was that I do not have any fear about my work or life because now I know my purpose and that I can select my work wisely and balance my life well. Kawtar’s strength as a coach is her empathy and compassion. Because she’s gone through her transformation as well, she can understand where you are, what your fears are, and what you aspire for. She’s a great coach who will walk step-by-step with you in a very patient yet powerfully encouraging way. I am thankful Kawtar gave me these wonderful sessions.”

Tomomi Kumai M.A.

Intercultural Trainer/International Educator

"I reached out for Kawtar's support at a critical time in my life and career. I was nearing the end of a wonderful career in public diplomacy, and I was feeling that my contribution could have more depth.  

Through our sessions, I realized that at the heart of the matter for me was providing younger generations with positive and empowering learning environments, and promoting equality. 

I became a bridge between cultures, promoting international exchange between South-Korea and the world, and I created a platform that promotes gender equality and youth empowerment through social-emotional learning. 

What I appreciated most about Kawtar's coaching is that it helped me to recognize and embrace my vulnerability. Because of her coaching, I can now be my true myself and use my experience and skills in a way that feels deeply fulfilling for me, and positively impacts others."

Dae Young Kim

Founder of IMI Journey to Myself
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